Sunday, September 22, 2013

School Started Again...

School started on September 9th. Here are some pictures from the first day back!

 Baby Lee stole all Teen Lee's enthusiasm. Teen Lee didn't love her uniform. She seemed a little more awake after the short walk to school. Actually, she was very excited to be able to walk to school. She has NEVER had that luxury.

 I think you can get a hint of blue wonderful from this picture.

 Baby Lee waiting for the bus! We can see it from our front window.

Bonus: Baby Lee Day Two:
Baby Lee took this one. She wanted you to see it from her perspective. Waiting for the bus!!

Teen Lee has Blue Hair...

We are long overdue for an update! Our school year started on September 9th.
Baby Lee had a short break of about 3 weeks before she went back. We had lots of back to school preparations. The most important involved dyeing Teen Lee's hair BLUE. I think we did a good job.

Step One: Head to the basement because SPLAT Bleach and Blue ENVY dye stain!

 The bleach washed out with a very coppery tone. We should have left it on a little longer. I guess we learned a lesson. I didn't want to end up with her hair on the floor.

Step Two: Back the the basement to put in the Blue Dye. Although we managed NOT to get dye in any inappropriate places; we didn't manage to take any pictures of that process. So just trust us when we say it happened. Baby Lee helped. She made sure the water was running in the sink in the basement, all over her clothes, on the floor. She was just very helpful in general.
 Step Three: RESULTS - a week later, after a shampoo, condition, oil treatment and an additional blue dye applied. The first result had a few too many green highlights for our taste. So we waited a week and added an additional color. No bleach this time. Teen Lee was happy with the result. She took many of the pictures below.