Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A moment of silent prayer...better make that a loud prayer...

Our Beloved Betsy is in the hospital. We are praying that she is able to recover quickly and that she does not need exploratory surgery. This is a trying time for us. We need her to last another 10 years and another 200,000 miles. Let us pray...

 Actually, we should pray more and louder because her first bought of exploratory surgery cost more than $700. Let's pray louder. More clear. More directly...Poor Betsy. Poor Us.

Teen Lee in a much preferred format...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Throwbacks! Oldies but goodies...

Thanksgiving '04 or '05 Waukeegan, IL.

One of these people is near and Dear to the ladies of Team Lee.

Teen Lee was a Baby once...
Teen Lee was a dancer...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We found some playgrounds!!

 Soooo, it has been too long since we had an update. We are now North of the Mason-Dixon for more than a week now. This means I have about 200 pictures that need to be added, deleted, and/or both?!  Teen Lee says "Peace"! Funny girl.

This has been an exciting week for us. For reasons to be explained in another post -- we have had extreme reason to be out of the house and in the heat. BUT we found two great playgrounds in our neighborhood.


 Baby Lee made a friend. This little two year old followed Baby Lee around like she was the most interesting thing in the park.

 Teen Lee is often brightly coloured. This day she wore a pink t-shirt and purple pants. The playground had a section for little kids and big ones. Teen Lee made a couple of friends of her own.

 Baby Lee played until she just couldn't stand anymore! Then she comes over and tries to sleep in my arms.

 Despite how tired Baby Lee is in the previous picture, SHE DID NOT NAP.


 You should know that Baby Lee is not tired and did NOT fall asleep shortly after finishing this refreshing beverage.

 Mimi was driving around town yesterday and passed a playground...
We got there and quickly found the swings!


 We enjoyed the swings BUT this park had a water section. Fountains galore...Teen and Baby Lee had a blast! They were completely soaked!